For more than 10 years, the ECMO team in Paris has developed an innovative strategy for the management of cardiac arrest.
This management includes the implementation of ECPR by emergency physicians in pre- and in-hospital settings. Based on our experience, we have developed a training course combining theoretical and practical sessions, as well as simulation sessions.
In addition, with the help of international guests known for their expertise, we exchange on their experience to create a toolbox of very practical tips. The goal of this training is to know how to set up a ECPR but also a VV and VA ECMO, its initial management, potential complications, and how to set up your own program.
This training will teach you everything you need to know about REBOA for trauma but also in medical indications.
Come to Paris to learn in a relaxed atmosphere, with great social events At the end of this training a certificate of training will be delivered to you.
Course Director :

Pr Lionel Lamaut MD,PhD
Professor of EM at Paris citée university
Associate medical director of the “SAMU de Paris”
Head of the ECMO Team in Paris
Speakers of september cours :

Pierre Carli MD
Professor of EM at Paris Descartes university
Medical director of the “SAMU de Paris”
Past President of ERC.

Alice Hutin MD, PhD
Co-organizer of the course
Consultant in EM at the “SAMU de Paris”
Member of the ECMO Team in Paris

Lionel Lamhaut MD, PhD
Professor of EM at Paris Descartes university. Associate medical director of the “SAMU de Paris”
Head of the ECMO Team in Paris

Deputy Head of Cardiothoracic ICU,
Senior Intensivist,
The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne Australia

Velia ANTONINI, Perfusionist and ECMO specialist, CCP, MS,
ECMO Team - AUSL Romagna
Adjunct Lecturer - Department of Biomedical, Metabolic and Neural Sciences, University of Modena & Reggio Emilia,
Modena, Italy

Cardiac sergen at HEGP hospital
ECMO unite.

Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
Chief Medical Officer Salt Lake City Fire Department and 911 Dispatch

Professor at Ecole nationale Veterinaire d’Alfort Vice-dean for Research - Researcher at Institut Mondor de Recherche Biomédicale

Jonathan Marinaro
MD, professor of Emergency Medicine and co-chief of the UNM Center for Adult Critical Care
Professor of medical ICU
Medical director at air liquide.
Professor of Intensive Care Medicine
Medical ICU, Nantes Hospital,
, France
Jean Baptiste LASCARROU

Professor of Intensive Care Medicine
Medical ICU, Cochin Hospital,
Paris, France
Coming soon
Coming soon